A radio drama produced in weekly installments by students from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, Bedfordshire University in England, and RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Subscribe to our podcast to catch every episode!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Episode 1 of 2009!

Welcome to The Bouncing Story, 2009!

Bedfordshire's group has completed the first episode, give it a listen here!

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Bouncing Story 1 Feedback

The introduction of the episode was very engaging. It was a great way to start a story. The audience’s attention was grabbed due to the curiosity of the unexplainable tone. However, after the introduction, the plot was unclear and did not have a clear direction. It brought up random events and it felt as though they were forcing these random events to link into one another. As a listener, I felt it difficult to follow.
The characterization of the narrator was well developed. The listeners got to know and connect to the narrator more and more with his intimate speech directed to the audience. Unfortunately, the narrator was the only character who was established. The other characters made random comments but did not contribute to the plot. Furthermore, they did not reveal enough of their personality.
There were parts of the script that I did find humorous. The more intimate conversation the narrator had with its audience would be the highlight of the script. The script can be improved by using the other characters, linking events, having more character development, having more interactive dialogue between the characters and a more concrete plot (not as random).

The production felt empty in the sense that there was only dialogue (except for the beginning and end sound effects). I would suggest having music, sound effects and ambient sounds throughout. Having only dialogue is not necessarily a poor creative choice if the dialogue was amazing. Music and sound effects would help ‘paint the picture’, provide a better understanding of the plot and create an overall more intriguing product. Unfortunately, the performance of the actors and the plot was not strong enough to hold the entire drama on its own.
The recording of the voices were well done. They were clean recordings and the voices were clearly heard.

Actors/ Voice Overs
The actors seemed too calm for the situation and their interaction felt a little unnatural.