A radio drama produced in weekly installments by students from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, Bedfordshire University in England, and RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Subscribe to our podcast to catch every episode!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Episode 5 from Ryerson!

It's that time of week folks, time for Episode 5!

Produced by Ryerson group 3, Elissa, Wayne and Bronwyn.

1 comment:

Brendan said...

I really thought this episode was excellent!

The way that the mumbling of Tommy was mixed with his thoughts really painted the picture of the situation perfectly for me...technical excellence and quality writing...

I know this comment is a bit late, but that doesn't detract from it's sincerity...I really think this episode was superb! I really enjoyed it!

Hopefully we'll get to work together again in the future at some point!

Take care, and good luck with your studies!